Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just Dance!!

My new all-time favoritest game for wii, ever. Hands Down.  JUST DANCE. It amazingly bundles hilariousness, awkwardness, funness, and fitness all into one tiny little circle-y disk. Fabulous. I highly recommend it (times infinity five hundred) Over New Years weekend I ended up visiting Sharli's house in Logan for a wee-bit (We celebrated New Years with Row & Linda  (Kamron's dad and Step-mom) in Logan and spent the night there) - So I took an opportunity to visit Sharli's house and I am so thrilled I did.  I danced my guts out whilst both Kamron and Dan laughed at my manuevers.

I stole some pictures from Sharli's blog to maybe show you the delightfulness of this game:

Oaks and Dayton:

Sharli and Me - and I will openly reveal that it was most definitely me doing the complete wrong move here:

Days later my parents joined in on the fun...
Sharli and my mom (and I am certain my dad is mocking them from the comfort of the couch)

Now enter the hilariousness of my dad! Seen here dancing the Monster Mash with Sharli

 And pictured here with Dan (Sharli's husband)

And this here my friends is evidence that my dear Tyson was just slightly (completely) bored whilst Sharli and I danced song after delightful song.
(This is the side of her micro-fiber couch, that he happened to be sitting next to)

(Sidenote: Kamron so lovingly informed me later that I seriously lack dancing coordination, and (after I had laughed over a video of my dad playing said game) informed me that I must get that from my dad. Wow. Enter dancing complex.)

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