Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ever Dream You Were Flying?

Remember me mentioning that I bought Kamron tickets to iFly for our wedding? I can't remember if I ever mentioned it or not... BUT we finally used them!  iFly is a Sky-dive simulating wind tunnel.  They give you a brief class on how to hold your arms and legs whilst inside, as well as a quick briefing on hand signals used therein, then they suit you up (Complete with wind suit, helmet, ear plugs and (pink) goggles).

Saying I was nervous was an understatement! Kamron thought this was funny somehow...

We watched a few little kids (like 5 years old) go before we did, so I talked myself into being brave...
It was a blast!  They give you each 2 one-minute sessions and a trainer guy stands right there with you to grab hold of you and fix/catch/adjust/move you as needed.  
Kamron went first and he was all over the place! But it was cool to watch! Next was me, we had previously been instructed to keep our legs straight and our arms bent (hands close to my face) ... I somehow went in looking like I was impersonating Superman or something - arms straight out in front of me... give me a cape and I'd be off to rescue someone in distress. It was fun - but i did struggle for the first thirty seconds trying to catch me breath... With that much wind coming at me, it sent me in panic mode thinking I couldn't breathe or something. Once I got my breathing pattern controllable the remainder of the minute was much better.
For our second minute - the instructor guy was to grab hold of our wind suit, spin us in a circle with him and somehow that made us go super high in the tunnel - I knew this part was coming and it panicked me (I think I was worried about breathing while spinning or something)  I watched Kamron spin in slow-ish motion and then go super high. He stayed high for a long while and then came slowly down.  The slowness of this was a calming thing for me. I could handle slow motion.
...I forgot to take into account our weight differences - We. went. fast! Super fast!  Spin fly up high, come down fast, go back up again and down again. Hilariously fun - but I did hafta close my eyes the first time up and down.  All in all - it was a blast!!!
(These pics will be small, if you wanna see them bigger, just click on them) (Also many are very blurry or funky looking - this is due to 1-a lot of constant movement inside the wind tunnel. 2 - Morrisa (the photographer) was on the outside of glass with a flash...)

 This right here is the definition of a sexy beast:

 Look, I'm even smiling!!

I put this picture in here to show how closely Kyndi watched the whole thing...

Kamron is all set to do the real sky-diving thing. I think he and my mom and Samantha need to do that adventure together, at some secret time that I don't know about.  They can tell me all about it after it's over!

A couple of side notes:
*Jersi stood up to the glass most of the time with a look of total fascination.
*We got a dvd of our flight and t-shirts too (I know, you're jealous)
*Dayton and Oaks were at Sharli's house for a fun weekend - but when they came home, they watched the video of our flight and Dayton immediatly said, "I wanna do that!"

1 comment:

Ara said...

That looks fun, yet very scary at the same time. I'm afraid my anxiety would take over & I'd be screwed.