Monday, October 3, 2011

What do YOU do with a Swing Set?

Apparently this is what our family does:

It all started with Tyson climbing with ease to the top and saying "bet none of you can do this" - and off they went.  Morrissa made numerous attempts, would get to the top bar but not quite be able to sit up on top - same with Tate, and they'd both give up when they were so close!  Morrissa did finally make it up, but I didn't see it, hence, no picture.  Then Tate finally made it up there too.  
Kyndi tried with all her might. She climbs those poles faster than anyone else but couldn't get to an actual sitting position on the top without a little bit of help.
I remember Oaks and Tona trying it too...not sure why I have no pictures.
And of course, Kamron can not pass up an "I bet you..." opportunity - so up he went too.
Jersi kept squealing for a try, so she tried too.

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