Monday, March 26, 2012

I'm in Love!

My sister Sharli had her baby! Meet Atticus Henry Bronson:

March 23, 2012, 7 LBS 1 oz  Cutest thing ever!

I was able to get to the hospital the day after to visit her and the little man (and Dan too of course).  I was lucky enough to be able to go the next day too.  He is just so cute I can hardly stand it. I am totally in love with him. They live clear up in Logan, right now I really wish I didn't live so far away.

Sammi holding him...
 His cute little profile
 My face is ridiculous here - but look at the admiration on Kamron's face. I love it.
My dad holding the little nugget (and my Aunt Penny making a funny face)

It's a very interesting (and very new) feeling for me, having a little sister become a new mom.  It has triggered a big sister - sort of protective type -feeling in me. Jonathan and Jen have two kids, but for me that was different, that was my brother and sister-in-law.  It is totally different when it is your little sister.  I want so badly to live up there - to be able to help her out when she needs it - watch the baby for her so she can catch up on some sleep, etc.  And on top of al that, I am completely and udderly in love with the little guy.

His outfit for the trip home (from me)

P.S. - Apparently this is what happens when you drive home from Logan with a bunch of tired kids...

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