Thursday, April 26, 2012

Yard Sale Find

Kamron went off to a yard sale with his friend, and came home with this little beauty:
 (No, not Oaklee, the jeep silly!)  Oaklee loves it!  Dayton had a melt down. He didn't get one.  Oaklee does well at sharing though.

Dayton recently played on a friend's wiggle car and decided he wanted one so bad!!  We got him one. (only 20 bucks on Amazon)  He loves it.

 He's also good at sharing.

Even Kamron and I can ride it!  It's made to hold up to 250 pounds.  Fun fun!!  I think I might get me one!

 Tyson loves it more than anyone though - except he won't allow me to take his picture.  (I snuck this pic from my bedroom window upstairs)

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