Monday, May 7, 2012

Spiderman on the Loose

Meet Spider-Brutus!  We picked up a Spiderman costume complete with mask and built-in muscles at a yard sale. I knew Dayton would love it.  Love it is an understatement!  This boy is obsessed!!  He eats, sleeps and drinks in this outfit.  We go to Walmart with Spiderman, to the park as Spiderman, you name it!

A week later we came across Spiderman snow boots, and a Nerf gun of the automatic variety.  Wow. He's in heaven!

 I even caught him sleeping with his boots! But by the time I got my camera he had woken up. Dang it!  But I did get these cute pictures of him falling asleep in the backseat of daddy's car:

1 comment:

Kevin and Jess said...

Love it! Obsessed little boys are the best. So fun!