Monday, July 23, 2012

Handcart Parade

We (me and Tate, Kyndi, Oaklee, Dayton, and Jersi) ventured up to Bountiful for their handcart days parrade.
My parents were there.  Samantha and Mike, and Atticus (his parents were at Wicked)...and James was in the parade, more on that shortly.

Pictures Pictures and more pictures...
Jersi tries on Gus' hat
 All 5 of my kiddos in attendance...
 Dayton waves his flag
Grandma and Grandpa (aka my mom and dad)
 Dayton's crazy faces
 The float my dad was so proud of - as his fog machine was used for the steam (not pictured)
  Holding the flag all by himself
 Jersi loves him so much, she can't resist kissin' and pinchin' his "cheeky cheekies"

Jersi LOVES princesses - pointed every single one out
More kisses...
 Just chillin'
My double chin - Samantha's giraffe neck and Mike...whatever he's doing...
 Dayton's turn to hold Gus and wear his hat...
 Atticus and grandma
 She just can't get enough
 Santa in the parade
 More of this kid
 Dayton and Kyndi thought this guy was pretty cool!
 Here come the warriors!
 The strange clown that was making siren noises
 Jersi went and sat herself on the curb between to strangers
 Apparently it didn't bother her at all
 The Warriors marching past... I think there were over 2000 of them...
 More of Penelope and Atticus (Apparently both Jersi and I were far more delighted to watch Atticus than the parade)

After the parade my kiddos waited and waited for James (one of the strippling warriors) to come see us. Every one of the 5 kids ran to him (even Jersi)
What a stud muffin!

Video of my parents playing with Atticus

Video of the Warriors (and James) marching past

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