Friday, May 31, 2013

May FB Posts

Oaklee: Mom my brain just keeps on telling me I'm beautiful!

Jersi is playing with Oaklee's kitchen (Shhh don't tell Oaklee) - she comes in here and says "What you wanna erderr? We has Mickey Mouse Pickles or strawbays" I ordered one of each and then she says, "Erderr up!"

My 2 and a half year old Jersi is obsessed with numbers and math. "two of dese and five of dese is how many?" or "Derr is 4 of dem, 2 blue ones and 2 white ones" or "I will count dem backwards, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" Seriously, this kid is going places!

Today Jersi was quietly playing with her doll. A few moments into playing she came and told me that she went shopping and bought her baby a new shirt, some shoes, two milks, and a juice. She also told me her baby's name is Donda and I am not allowed to hold her because I have sick germs.

Tate is such a cute boy. I've been sick, fever and all, and have spent a lot of time in bed. He was concerned over my food intake so he brought me some popcorn to help me feel better.

You know it is going to be a long day when the 2 year old wakes up into a temper-tantrum, and then less than an hour later is yelling at the wall (or a ghost?) "I telled you a million times Yeave me alone!"

Jersi is having a bad mood kind of day - she just stomped into my room and said, "Oh Ya? I not even gonna pay attention!!" Um, okay?

Long drive home from my mom's tonight. Two kids crying at the top of their lungs until 7200 south (one (Jersi) because she forgot to finish drinking her water at grandma's - and the other (Oaklee) because she misses Grandpa Joe) - and then suddenly Tate broke into song in his sleep - hilarious!!!

Dayton just realized I have 2 sisters and two brothers, he told me "um mom, you don't have enough sisters or brothers in your family"

I just heard Tyson exclaim, "Cleaning the bathroom is my favorite hobby!"

When a 2 and a half year old is super duper jealous of her sister's brand new play kitchen, what does she do? Poops in the fridge of course! Seriously. Anyone up for purchasing a small child?

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