Friday, December 31, 2010

Tiny Tidbits of Info

Whilst reflecting on things to write about Kyndi, I came up with a few tidbits of info about everyone...

* His favorite song is Hey Soul Sister (by Train). I seriously cannot stand said song - so he finds it quite the hilarious event to turn the radio up real loud when it comes on just to delight me to my very core.  
* A common phrase out of his mouth these days: "You got tp-ed" Which soon turned to "You got T-pizzled" Both of which mean something similar to "you got burned" or "got ya!" with his own little twist. (Not to worry, Dayton can now very oftenly be overheard using these phrases as well.

* sings songs to Jersi of her own lyrics. She'll grab a microphone and just bust out a custom melody and lyric salad of great proportions. I love it. So cute.  Generally they involve alot of 'oh I love you' - and -'your beautiful face'
*She has this crazy tendency to repeat herself indefinitely. For example: "Mom, can I have a treat?"
"Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?""Mom, can I have a treat?" Even if I have responded - if she didn't like the answer, she just keeps pursuing the idea.  Let me tell you how much we *love* this!

* is a total tender heart the simplest of things can hurt his feelings to the core.
* Since he was little I called him my Best buddy. (Samantha -do not confuse that with your bestest buddy title)  -  He reminds me almost daily that he is still my best buddy.
*He is a reader, he'll pretty much read anything and everything - and he has a fascination of all things video games.

*Somehow this kid manages to be the most hilarious critter I have ever seen at the same time he also dominates the role of total *hellion*.  He is SOOOOOO funny. We always find things to laugh at him over - from his facial expressions to his side-splitting phrases and comments - so funny!!  He repeats anything people say and hearing things fly out of his mouth in such adult like manner is hilarious!  (Example: "What? You have a cracker? That not fair!")   HOWEVER, he also reeks havoc throughout this entire house - he is not nicknamed Brutus for nothin'! He pretty much thinks he dominates the Universe - and whatever you do, don't cross him or he'll shout one of many angry phrase, including but not limited to: "You're not my buddy" and "Get outta my room dad!" See, naughty boy I have here. He seriously gives me a 200% run for my money! Good thing I love him so much!
*He makes amazing faces - He has a definite Old Man Face, and crazy as heck angry eyes!
* He is a dancer to any and all music..and mouths the words as he goes.

*Has a grand ol time making up dances and performing them for Kamron and me.
*She's one of those students that is 100% focused on perfect grades. It really amazes me.

*She's recently learned the art of laughter and it's oh-so-cute!
*Still looks far too much like Oaklee and sometimes it really trips me out!
*She is thrilled and content to hang out in her bouncy seat watching football with her dad.
*She's reached the stage where anytime she's on my lap while I'm attempting to eat, she'll grab for whatever it is and try to devour it herself.
*She doesn't however do very well with baby food at all. She gets frustrated far too quickly at my failure to go her desired speed in shoveling the food into her mouth.
*At one point I really thought she had mastered sleeping through the night-ish. She'd go from 9 PM to about 4 or 5 AM and then go back to sleep after eating until about 8. That has totally left her now and Most nights I don't think she ever goes more than 3 hours between wake-up moments - and then she struggles to get back to sleep.  Usually around 3 or 4 in the AM we start a ritualistic battle of trying to keep her to sleep and her fighting against it with every scream she can possibly muster in her tiny little system. Exhausting. So very Exhausting.

(Even though I just reported about her in her birthday post, I cannot leave her out here...)
*She is obsessed with the idea of having Tea Parties... she'll lay out a blanket (in picnic-fashion) in her room, set out toy plates and utensils - make nametags for everyone in the house - then set to work on invitations. All just to sit around for a few brief minutes to eat a small snack.

*Whereas he may be super timid around people and crowds but at home with us he is a constant crack up. His favorite song? Don't know but I know he has a secret liking for all things Neil Diamond and John Denver.. (And he loves him some "Burnin' Ring of Fire" too)

As for me... I am swamped with school, children and utter insanity.


Jonan said...

Really?!? Burning Ring of Fire? I LOVE that song!! I grew up with that song! Good ol' Johnny Cash!

Samantha said...

Tate can be your best buddy, but I better be your bestest buddy. There's a difference