Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I warned you all that number twelve would soon be coming...

Tyson convinced me (and even gave me the $$$ for) this cute little thing.

 (I didn't even ask him to, he just wanted it that bad)Now we're at an even dozen. I promise I'll stop now. This little rabbit is only 3 weeks old. (Makes me frustrated because they are still supposed to be with their mom's until at least 4 weeks old, preferably 8 weeks old...) But Mustachio was at the pet store so we rescued her.
She's teeny teeny tiny and has a mustache that wiggles wth her nose. I love it. Poor thing is terrified of everyone and just hangs out in the corner all day. I'm actually a little concerned about her eating habits... Hopefully she's eating okay. But she's pretty cute!

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