Saturday, July 16, 2011

Rainbow Rice, Ice Cubes, and Paintbrushes

What do Rainbow Rice, Ice Cubes, and Paintbrushes have in common? They're all part of the fun we've had the past few weeks...  (Also add peanut butter cup cupcakes, soft pretzel bites and hydrobeads)...

I made rainbow rice - which is incredibly fun to play in, run your fingers through, etc...

 I froaze a bazillion colored ice cubes and we painted on white felt pieces - it was a fun refreshing activity outside in the heat.

Dragon slime - what happens when you mix equali(ish) parts cornstarch and water (and food coloring of choice) - it creates a goop of solidity and liquidness at the same time - this stuff is amazing!!

  Hydro beads - another fun, relaxing things to just run your fingers through... sorta slippery and wet - but oh so entertaining!
 A funky fancy dinner I made one night - more as an adventure for the kidlets than the for the taste - but the kids and Kamron all seemed to love it  (Once dished out, I poured chili on top)

That sums up a few of our fun adventures as of lately...

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