Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Party at 7 Peaks

Our final sibling adventure while Jonathan was in town was an adventure at 7 Peaks.  James, Sam, Jonathan, and my whole family ventured to 7 Peaks for some fun. (Jen and the kiddos had already headed back to Colorado, and poor Sharli Parli couldn't head all the way down from Logan cuz she had just started back to teaching that day)

Sam, Kamron, (my shadow), Dayton, Jonathan, James

 Jersi's mermaids

 "Foting, foting" Jersi loves to "fote" (float) she lays back and puts her feet up. She'll float like this forever if you let her.

 Dayton's super heros
 And of course Oaklee has Ariel

 Jersi's favorite trick in the wave pool...the other Littles joined her

 She got so good at floating I could give her a push and she'd float across the pool. So cute

 James and Jonathan playing with Dayton and Oaks
 Jonathan and his "six pack" playing with Oaks

 Samantha and the girls

 The sunset as we were leaving

Apparently while I was hanging with the Littles, All the Bigs and the adults went racing down the race slide - wish I had a picture of that!   I loved the fun we had as siblings while Jonathan was in town - we really need to go on a sibling vacation - it'd be a blast!

Oh!  Also, back on the 14th Jen and her kidlets ventured with me and mine to 7 Peaks - which was a TON of fun too - but apparently I took no pictures.  Odd.

1 comment:

Sharli said...

Why is Sam wearing normal clothes to swim in?