Monday, August 6, 2012

The Worst Kind of Silence

This should also include toddlers. All moms know this but, case in point:
I was busy getting a few things done and realized Jersi had meandered into the kitchen a few moments previous and was being awful quiet... I went in to inspect, expecting it to find her in the pantry, or the peanut butter jar, or the cereal, or .......  Instead I found this:

Yes my family and friends, that is poop next to her.  And what did she say when I found her? "Mom! pooped pants!"  How nice of her to let me know she had pooped! Ha!  And of course prior to cleaning it up I had to get pictures!!

Jersi has taken up the habit of undressing herself - as you can see here. She is my first child to ever do this.  Granted, my Kyndi and Oaks like to change clothes all day long - but Jersi just wants to be naked, including diaper.  I am scrambling to find one-piece clothing so she cannot get them off... The worst is when she does this after bedtime and we all wake up to a mess!!!

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