Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fountain of Knowledge

Everything I need to know, I learn from my kids....
Bike Riding can be Exhausting!!
PineCones have good flavorFinding someone else's fingers under the door can be very entertaining

It's probably best that daddy isn't aware if everything that goes on in our house

Fry Sauce tastes best straight from the container

If you take a bathtub to the front yard and fill it up to test for leaks, do not be surprised by what you'll find inside when you return.

Sometimes camera's are a girls worst nightmare

Beware of Angry Eyes

Never leave Temporary Tattoos unattended
(Tate, Tate, Kyndi)

(Kyndi, Kyndi, Oaklee)

If Mom says it's time to wash your face, hurry & sit on the nearest box.
(She'll never find you there)

It's not a good idea to tie your bike to your big sister's with a rope and then ride your bikes around that way
(Unless you like getting stitches in your chin)


The Bartholomew's said...

WHAT When did Kyndi get stitches?? Man you need to stop hanging out with Cody and start hanging out with me again :( *tear* I know nothing about you anymore :(

Rachel Banks said...

I love it! Great post.