Saturday, April 30, 2011

Miss Jelly Bean

Little Miss Jelly Bean (Oaklee) is now 4. I can hardly even believe it!

She is such a cute little hilarious girl!

*She's always got something funny or totally cute coming outta her mouth.

*Oaklee is a total sweetheart to Dayton. She always takes care of him. (when they aren't all out fighting that is)

*She loves all things yellow or 'chocolate'

*She is 100% girl (nails, dress-ups, make-up, lip gloss...) until she finds mud!

*Her best friend is Sharli (Sorry Sam) and she talks about her all the time.  She'd apparently rather have her for a mom than me...

*She has a major fear of monsters and scary things in the night, so we now spray "Monster Spray" (Febreeze brand) every night at bedtime

*She loves to catch bugs outside with Kyndi - but if she sees a bug in the house she lets out a high pitch scream and totally freaks out

*She is constantly begging for treats or gum. Constantly.

*She loves to dance and sing - she'll sing and/or dance to anything - and thinks its 100% hilarious to shake her bum.

We love this little Oaklee - can't imagine life without her!

Happy birthday Miss Jelly Bean!!

Post Graduation...

Upon returning from my graduation, this is what I found.

That's my eyeliner all over them! It's all over their backs and bellies and toys... Who even knows where Tyson was during all of this...

Graduation Ceremony...

Happy Graduation to me!!!

Technically I am not finished until August - but I was allowed to participate in the Graduation Ceremonies. It was fabulously excellent!  I sat with my friends Christina and Christy.  We had a blast! 
I was dared to wear hot pink tights with my grad gown, so I did!
(This picture isn't so fabulous - it was taken while we were sitting through the ceremony)

We took all kinds of fun pictures throughout the ceremony and had far too much fun.

When it was time to "walk" - each person would walk across shake the Dean's hand and smile for a photo.  I was "double-dog-dared" by Christy to pose for the camera. So I did. 
All in all, a great day! (Now to finish up my classes in the summer. Blah.) (Then off to grad school in the Fall)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why Didn't I do it sooner?!?!

So, I recently made the executive decision to put Jersi in a different room. She's been sleeping in my room every night and is up all night long.  I'm not quite certain what brought my decision about but I set up her crib in my scrapbook room and put her in it for her night time sleeping. 
Why didn't I do this sooner?  She fell asleep after less than a mionute of crying (Compared to her consistent crying until someone picked her up in my room) and she only woke up at 3:00 to eat.  What?!?!  I gave it a few nights to see if this was a true change or just a fluke.  Definitely not a fluke! She falls asleep without any crying now - AND she sleeps straight through most nights without waking for a bottle! I'm loving it!  Plus, I love that she very quickly figured out how to do this:
So cute!

Best Trailer on the Block

Kamron loves, loves, loves his 4 wheeler.  All winter he can very often be found outside starting it up and just sitting on it.  Now the weather is finally clearing up (sort of) and he's determined to get riding the 4-wheeler.  For our 5 year anniversary I got the thing registered for him as a surprise.
Only one thing standing in his way now... no trailer to haul the thing on.
That didn't stop Kamron.
He took the little fishing boat off its trailer, and built the boat trailer into a 4 wheeler trailer.

He cracks me up.  Not so fancy - but it does the job!
Now we can go 4 wheeling every weekend!!


At school this semester I have a Zumba class. I LOVE it!!  It's so much fun - I have even convinced my sister Sharli to try a zumba class out - and she seems to enjoy it quite nicely as well.  I recently took up taking a Zumba class at the Provo Rec center every week which is also quite enjoyable...  My kids always wanted to go. Then I discovered they had a saturday morning Zumba for Kids class! Woo Hoo!! So I took Tate, Kyndi, Oaklee and Morrissa (Morrissa has been going to the adult one with me anyways)
I think they had fun.  They were worn out after about a half hour of constant dancing - but they continued and loved it.  Oaklee was being her shy self that day and would only participate on occasion but when she did shake her little butt it was pretty cute!!

 I love this one of Tate!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Last Cupcake...

We celebrated Tate, Morrissa and Oaklee's birthday with Gramma and Grampa and Sharli, Sam and Dan - with the celebrating came cupcakes. Cupcakes with dark blue frositng.  Fancy frosting that stains the fingers and faces of all the children who eat them. 
Dayton was the messiest of all.
He got all scrubbed up, and still remained blue.
The party continued, and came to an end.  There was one cupcake remaining. Well, at least that's what was left until around 11 o'clock that night... I went to check on Dayton in his bed and once again he was covered in sugary blue goo.  And downstairs on the stove I found this:

That little Muffin Man! Too cute for his own good!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Story Time

This is what I found in my room today:

Dayton reading to Oaks.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Definition of a Bad Hair Day

If you were to look up the term "Bad Hair Day" in the Encyclopedia, you'd most definitely find the following images...

She's too stinkin cute - even with the wild and crazy mane!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Recent Funnies

Me: You're my favorite Oaklee I ever knew! - Am I your favorite Stefanie?
Oaklee: No, Sharli is ... but I like you second!

We were out running errands and Dayton said: "Where we going nets (next)?"
Me: We're going home now.
Dayton: Well dat juss suts (sucks) doesn't it?"

Me: Why am I so lucky to be your mom?
Oaklee: I just wish Sharli was my mom

Bedtime is by far the biggest stressor of my day everyday.
On one particular night, I finally had all the kids tucked in and was working on homework in my room, I heard some talking and some giggles coming from the Little's room. Pretty soon Dayton approached my bedroom door and in a giggly voice said: Mom I hafta go potty
Me: No you don't
He ran back to his room and announced "Dang it didn't wurk"

Oaklee was using the potty in my room the other day and through the closed door I heard her ask herself, "Why do I fart so much??"

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I officially have 2 teenagers in the house.
Morrissa is now 13. Whoa.

Morrissa has recently discovered the excitement of reading mystery novels.  Her English class had a mystery section they studied and now she can very oftenly be found reading in the quietness of her room (when she can escape the children)
Morrissa is all things girly - always curling her hair and the girls' hair (Except Jersi of course who remains bald) and painting everyone's fingernails and toenails numerous times a week. (Even Dayton's).
Morrissa dances anytime she comes in contact with a full length mirror.  She was recently at the mall with me and every time we were near mirrors she'd be doing some on-the-spot dance routine.
Morrissa is a very good student. She's very attentive to her grades and likes to make sure she is maintaining them at all costs.
As always, Morrissa is an excellent helper around the house. There are many days she'll get all her chores done, plus help the Littles with their stuff, and get them dressed, or fed or whatever, and then still come to me and say, "Is there anything I can do for you?"  She's definitely a keeper!

Happy Birthday Mortimor!

(She may not be too fond of this picture - it was taken spontaneously in the car... I'll keep searching my memory cards for a better one...)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tater French

Tate just turned 9!

A few things of note for this Best Buddy of mine (not to be confused with "Little Buddy" (Dayton) and "Bestest buddy" (Samantha)...):

*He's loving the 4th grade. 
*He is a big time reader. Currently reading The 'How To Train Your Dragon' series.
*He loves scouts - and recently earned his Wolf.
*He has just recently taken up yo-yo-ing and he knows all the tricks (sleeping, the apple, the ufo, walking the dog...) He's pretty good at them.
*He's such a tender heart (When he wants to be) - Morrissa was trying to find ways to earn money to go to   Lagoon with her school. he piped up and offered to mow ll the lawns in the neighborhood and give her all the money for it. (What a good boy.  He never had to follow through on this as I was concerned his mowing skills may lead to catastrophe)

I love my Mister Tate!
Happy birthday buddy!!

PS - He got a new bike for his birthday and cannot wait to ride it to school!