Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Stairs Have Been Located

Jersi recently discovered the stairs, and within very little time she discovered the freedom of actually climbing them.  I didn't realize how much her talent for climbing had progressed until one evening when Kamron and I were watching a movie in our room together and there was a faint consistent knock on our bedroom door.  I went to answer the door to find Jersi, all by herself, on the other side.  Silly girl.  Wonder where the kids that were supposed to be watching her were... 

She tries to schooch backwards back down the stiars (and off of things too, like our bed) but when her feet hit the edge she no longer knows what to do and just kinda stays there moving her legs (it almost looks like she's trying to swim on the carpet...)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Two Toofs

Jersi finally has cut two teeth through! Well, actually she did that about 3 weeks ago - they are still only part way in though and It's driving me nuts!  Since that time, she also has a third tooth - a side tooth on the top.  3 teeth in all, but none fully grown in.  Crazy girl. (and I can't seem to get a stinkin picture of said toofs. Not even one!!)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jersi is Never Bored

If you remember back to my post about my unfortunate recent 72 hours... While we were in a parking lot waiting for my family to come rescue us, it was pouring rain - and Jersi didn't care.  She climbed all over Kamron and hung right out the window getting totally soaked....
 Then she opted for climbing the steering wheel.

Monday, July 25, 2011


The week of the 24th of July here in Spanish Fork is "Fiesta Days".  With said "Days" comes parades, a carnival, rodeos and fireworks. 
Kamron and I took great advantage of the festivities... we took the kids to a parade where they enjoyed getting chasing after candy in the street.  (and as you can see, and I am now learning - sticky fingers had touched the camera lense)

 We walked down to the carnival one evening to enjoy a car show and a concert-type thingy in the street - while there we also enjoyed spying on Tyson with a girl (*gasp*). 
One of the nights we were fortunate enough to get two free tickets to the rodeo from one of Kamron's work buddies.  I hadn't been to a rodeo since I was a kid I think.  Very enjoyable!

To top the whole week off - we went to fireworks on the 24th - only to be rained on in a crazy hour long downpour. (Yes, we're crazy enough to stay through all of that... no worries, we found somewhere for all the kids to sit where they were sheltered from the rain) The rain stopped by 9:30ish - but fireworks were delayed until almost 11!! I love fireworks, but with the wet coldness we were all enduring and the masses of mosquitos and whiney children, even I was ready to leave before they started!  We stayed and those of us still awake enjoyed the fireworks.  It was a good time.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Evolution of Phones

Back in my day if a kid wanted to play with a phone, the receiver was hooked to the rainbow phone with eyeballs...

Now days, you hafta have both talking and texting skills... (and at less than a year old, she is already aware of both of these.  Yikes.)

Not Quite Her Size

Oaklee came in to tell me her shirt was too tight.  It wasn't her shirt at all! It was Jersi's dress! No wonder it was too tight!! (let the record show, she dressed herself. I had no part in it.)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Loved this July!

Let it be known this July month has been completely crazy with two things I love - Thunderstorms and Pouring rain!  It's been crazy!!  We had a thunderstorm pass through almost nightly! And when it rained, it'd pour and flood the streets every time. Love love love it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oops! Dayton's Party

Somehow I forgot to post pictures fom Dayton's birthday...  Only one picture from the party at my mom's - the rest are from earlier that morning when he was opening his gifts from us...

At my mom's Dayton was pretty grumpy. (quite frankly so was I) He didn't want anything to do with presents or anything else so I offered to put his bow on my head in an effort to cheer him up - didn't work. But it caught Sam's eye as I am certain she is the one who took this picture! (Also pictured, Grandma Stella, Dayton, and Alvin) (and Jake's arm)
 He's thrilled he finally gets to open his presents - he has been anxiously awaiting his birthday April.
 Um, yes, I used Christmas wrapping paper...
 Tate can barely handle the anticipation

 Back in April, Oaklee got a Pink computer for her birthday ... Dayton has been telling me he wants an "orange pooter" ever since. Fortute for me, the only other color they make is orange!!

 Grandma (as in my mom) gave Dayton a "Wacky Hose"  This is him using it for the first time... He was very careful about avoiding getting wet at first... alittle while later Oaks and Kydni joined him and then he allowed himself to get "soggy"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Few Pictures for the Month

Anytime we put Jersi on the floor in my room - she goes to her swing right away to turn on the music. Then she'll start to boogie.
And here she is combing her hair

 I can get cute little ponytails in her hair with bows!!
 Oaklee has a bit of a hairbow obsession... (this is at least a weekly ritual for her...)

 Star Spangled Jerzelle 
 Dayton suddenly appeared in my kitchen looking like this the other day. Apparently he stumbled upon the box of halloween costumes...

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Invasion

A few weeks back, Tate came to me to tell me he dodn't wanna sleep in his room cuz there were too many ants.  I sorta just brushed it off and told him not to worry.  The next day Tyson complained too so I went down to investigate... Sure enough, there was an all out invasion!!  The walls were covered, the floor was covered - it was disgusting!!  This picture was actually taken when I first walked don and noticed a mere 15 or so on top of Tate's papers...
Then I looked aroind and realized they were everywhere!! They had moved in by the hundreds!  We moved all the furniture (bed and such) and vaccummed up all the ants we could find... The boys slept in the family room for the next few nights as everyday we found more and more had moved into their room.  Gross.  We finally got an ant trap or two, and the boys were finally able to move back in. Crazy.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ideas for a Lazy Afternoon

Eat Popsicles

 Try your very hardest to blow bubbles with your gum
 Eat Devour Noodles for a snack

 Be a cute little Cheeser. (go ahead and try this one, I dare you)

Rainbow Rice, Ice Cubes, and Paintbrushes

What do Rainbow Rice, Ice Cubes, and Paintbrushes have in common? They're all part of the fun we've had the past few weeks...  (Also add peanut butter cup cupcakes, soft pretzel bites and hydrobeads)...

I made rainbow rice - which is incredibly fun to play in, run your fingers through, etc...

 I froaze a bazillion colored ice cubes and we painted on white felt pieces - it was a fun refreshing activity outside in the heat.

Dragon slime - what happens when you mix equali(ish) parts cornstarch and water (and food coloring of choice) - it creates a goop of solidity and liquidness at the same time - this stuff is amazing!!

  Hydro beads - another fun, relaxing things to just run your fingers through... sorta slippery and wet - but oh so entertaining!
 A funky fancy dinner I made one night - more as an adventure for the kidlets than the for the taste - but the kids and Kamron all seemed to love it  (Once dished out, I poured chili on top)

That sums up a few of our fun adventures as of lately...