Tate's struggling, and it's breaking my heart. My kids are all very well behaved, very good children. Tate is no exception. There's nothing he wouldn't do to cheer someone up. He's stinkin adorable.. but he has his days, and lately they're coming a little more often and I really don't know how to help him anymore.
Everyday the past two weeks or so have been a struggle. Either he's smacking his sister, or crying because he thinks everyone hates him. most days he can be found in his room, in his bed, not wanting to do anything with anyone. he's gotten a whole lot mouthier lately and many times breaks rules he knows he's breaking. The poor kid is grounded all too often, the other kids are getting frustrated with him, and I'm at a total loss for what to do. I don't really know why I'm even blogging about this - but I need some advice - anyone??? He's just so stinkin cute, I hate to see him this way - it's almost like he's depressed. I talk to him about life all the time and why he makes the choices that he does, but he usually comes up with responses like "I guess I'm just a bad kid" What??!? Does he really feel that way? Or is this part of his 'I need more attention' act? He's seen far too many groundings lately, but along with those he's seen a lot more of my time, and gotten many more hugs than usual.. I just don't know how else to help him. Poor kid.
From what you posted and that poor Tate's been struggling for over 2 weeks. I would highly recommend taking him to a doctor and having the doc check him for depression. If it hasn't resolved and he keeps feeling that way, it may only get worse. Best wishes!
I agree. Take him to get checked for depression. It's not a bad thing. Those little pills do a lot.
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