Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Oaklee's Mis*hap

A few weeks ago, Kam took all the kids to the Jr. High behind our house for a fun game of basketball.  Less then twenty minutes later they returned. As they walked in the door, Dayton was freaking out and Kamron was carrying an overly bloody Oaklee. 
I took this picture after wiping down her face a bit.  This picture also does not show how completely bloody her hair was.
Apparently she fell on the ice and got a bloody nose.  Dayton was horrified by the blood and completely concerned with her well being.   put her in the tub to get the blood from her hair and realized as the blood was washed from her face that her lip was severely swollen. Prior to the bath she had asked me, "Is my tooth still there?"  I thought nothing of it until noticing the swollen-ness of her.  As I peered into her mouth, her gums were a deep shade of purple. above her two front teeth, and one of the two teeth looked slightly crooked. Oh dear.  
By the next morning her gums had turned a deep shade of black I was panicked. It was Sunday and I figured I'd make an appt with the dentist first thing the next morning.

Dentist found that both front teeth were loose. And both had been pushed far up into her gums.  He warned that they may have caused permanent damage to her adult teeth. (They may come in with a piece missing or black) (Yikes)  But for now, he decided we will watch her teeth for a couple weeks and see what happens. So we scheduled an appt for 2 weeks (ish) later.
At the follow-up appt, her gums were normal color but one tooth looked slightly yellow to me... The dentist however, found something more. Her already chipped tooth (from last January) was now an abscessed tooth. (Definition: A tooth abscess is a collection of infected material (pus) resulting from a bacterial infection in the center of a tooth).  He deemed the tooth un-savable and also stated that the other is also doomed as well.  He told me they needed to at least extract the one and preferably both. I opted for both (and good thing because by her appt (3 days later) the other was abscessed as well)

The night before her appt I was a mess.  I had nightmare's all night. Oaklee however was thrilled!  The toothfairy was gonna visit her! And she was gonna lose teeth before Kyndi.  She was so excited, she got up at 6 AM the morning of her appt. Sheesh!
When we arrived they gave her a medicated drink and within ten minutes she was one loopy little girl!!  She was sitting on my lap while the meds kicked in and she kept moving her face (with wide eyes) close to my face and then far from my face - back and forth. Pretty funny. 
Once the meds kicked in, the total extraction time was like 3 minutes total. It was quick. Went a little like this: "put your right tooth in, you put your right tooth out, put your right tooth in and wiggle it about." Then her right tooth was out.  Then the Dentist proceeded to sing it for the left tooth. And then she was done! They put her teeth in a cute little tooth box, put her on some oxygen for a bit and we were on our marry little (albeit loopy) way.
She was pretty out of it for a couple hours. We went to Walmart right after to buy things she could eat and it was fun! I laid her in the cart and she just kept saying things like : "I love balloons.  Balloons are cute..." So i bought her a balloon.  Then quite suddenly she was overly concerned with the gender of Jersi and her dad. "Wait, is Jersi a girl or a boy?" "A girl" "Wait, is my dad a girl??!" "No, he's a boy" "A big boy?" "yep" "Oh okay. And Dayton is a little boy?" "yep.  Then she went back to loving balloons and the cuteness of them.  Hilarious.
It became stressful for me throughout the day as she couldn't walk on her own for a good 5 hours.  And after the loopy-meds wore off she was super grouchy.  She finally fell asleep around 7 pm on my lap. That was fabulous.
Now she's just stinkin cute missing her teeth! (I'll be honest though, I worry about her not having her front teeth for about 3 1/2 years...)


Love that girl!!

1 comment:

The Bartholomew's said...

I had to have one of my teeth pulled when I was super little like her because I knocked it up into the roof of my mouth!! It wasnt horrible not having a tooth for a lot of years....No one ever really said anything, and I didnt mind!!