Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Whilst One Kid Pukes...

Bless Oaklee's heart - she had a sudden onset of a stomach bug and became quite the puker the other night... And Kamron bless his heart, rushed to her rescue and put her in the tub for me! Love that man! Why was I unavailable to do this for her? Two Words:


Yes, after thoroughly enjoying myself at Sharli's house, I just had to have it too!!  Me and the kiddos (except the poor sick Lella) had a riot of dance-our-guts-out proportions.  (Don't worry though, Oaks was not neglected - she thouroughly enjoyed herself in the tub "uh-laxin")
I will tell you though - nobody has quite the hip-moving talent as oaklee does - and I don't know where she got it!! (SO cute!!)
And for the record of that night, Tyson kicked my trash point-wise on the Monster Mash! (But I kicked everyone's trash every other time) (Go me!)
Sadly I somehow got no pictures - or if I did, I cannot find them.  Stay tuned to a later post when I get pictures of the fun we have, and post them.

1 comment:

Jonan said...

Maybe the Oaks was swinging her hips so hard that she literally did dance her guts out!!