Friday, May 3, 2013

School Carnival

Jeremy came to pick up Tate and Kyndi and found they really wanted to attend their school carnival - but that's not all, Dayton and Oaks did too - so he took them all!  (He emailed me these pictures)  Very thoughtful and nice of him!

 Kyndi and her best friend Katie Stauffer

 Oaks... wait is that Morrissa there?  I had no clue she even went!

Upon arrival at my house that day he had a flat tire - Kamron to the rescue!  Kamron loves to be able to use his power tools - this was a perfect opportunity - so of course I took pictures!!

Kamron patched the tire and put it back on.  Apparently when the carnival ended though, the kids and Jeremy got back to the car to find that the tire had exploded!  (So Kamron put the spare on)

1 comment:

Sharli said...

Sorry, but that was incredibly sweet of Jeremy. And yay Kamron to the rescue!