Sunday, September 29, 2013

More September Randomness...

He's actually liking school now!!  (And here he is standing by his family tree he made, according to him, we are represented by pineapples and watermelons.)
 Modeling a headband I found at the mall, obvoiously
 Dayton and Jersi
 Me, I honestly don't even remember taking this picture. Weird.
 I walked into my office one day and look at what I found on the door!  Look closely... It's like I am official or something!
My kidlets with their cousin Atticus
 Sometimes this is how we role at breakfast when Miss Oaklee stays home from school "sick"
 Lots and Lots and Lots of rain this month, and I have LOVED every drop
 Blowing gigantic dish soap bubbles in the kitchen.  The kidlets loved it.

1 comment:

Sharli said...

I love that blue striped sweater! I want it!