Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Part Two

Taking the Littles Trick-or-treating was so much fun!!  Oaklee ran from door to door and they both could be heard saying "trick-or-treat" 
 Dayton would knock and then immediately say "mom, they're not home!"  He had no patience when it came to waiting for someone to answer the door.  So hilarious.  Then, after about 8 or so houses he announced, "Mom, I'm done now. I have enough candy already"  WHAT?!  We convinced him to keep going.
Jersi pretty much toddled down the road enjoying herself (I have no clue how I have no picture of this - I swear I took tons!)  at one point Kamron got a little candy bar and would throw it ahead of her on the sidewalk and she'd run to it over and over. So cute.
After we came back home, Oaklee kept begging to go out again.  Kamron (and his friend Red) took her out two other times. She loved it.

Jersi as Harry Potter:
 Creepy Kam, Creepy.
 Jersi as the Garden gnome

 Kyndi and the Littles doing a candy-swap

 This is how Dayton looks at all his treats.
I'm thinking I must have a video of Jersi toddling down the street... I'll look for it...

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