Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sleigh Bells Ring

Just a little something I made...

And something else...

I still plan on adding the words "Let it Snow" to this one

And something else...

Oh, and these too...

Refrigerator magnets...

When I get overwhelmed with homework and kids, and cleaning, and, well, life in general, I turn to crafting.  Thats why I made all of these things practically in the same week.
I also made another item that is my absolute favorite - but, seeing how I am gifting it to my mother for her birthday, I'll hafta refrain from posting a picture for now - but it's super cute and I love it!!  (Look for a post of it around the end of December...maybe early January)
I still have a ton of projects to complete between now and Christmas - I'll keep you posted on those too.

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