Friday, October 19, 2012


Jersi is terrified of masks. Terrified.  If she sees one at the store on a shelf she freaks out and refuses to go anywhere near that aisle again.  Blame this on Tyson.  The big brother who found enormous humor in putting on his scariest Halloween mask and scaring the 2 year old as she approached the dark basement.  (Yes, I would have laughed too) - she is now completely traumatized by masks.
I found a simple witch "mathed" at the Dollar Store and bought it for Jersi.  At first she wouldn't touch it, but I started poking his nose and laughing and she started doing the same.  By the next day she would wear it to scare other people - but if they put it on she'd panic.  After a few days all the panic of this mask went away.  She is still a bit skiddish of people in masks but at least she isn't scared of the shelved ones at the store!
She loves her "mathed" she's even slept with it a few times... and takes it everywhere she goes.

 "Don't be scared, it's duss me!"

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