Sunday, December 25, 2011

Adventures of a "Playa"

Nothin like a crazy pounding on the front door at 3:30 in the morning to jumpstart your day!!

 Be prepared for a long story...The night of December 23rd, some kid, totally drunk and drugged outta his mind thought this was his house - he was so disoriented. Kamron opened the door and the kid just walked right in - almost ran right into Kamron.  It took the kid a few minutes and alot of crazy talk ("playa") before he relized he was at the wrong house... "Oh sorry playa, my bad, my bad.  I just just over excited you know? My bad playa" Then he gave kamron knuckles and left.   He wandered down the street completely lost.
Kamron and I decided to go looking for him to offer him a ride home - cuz it was only 12 degrees outside and he didn't have a coat - apparently while we were gone he back to our house - the doors weren't locked cuz we had just left.  He came in our house and scared the girls to death - Morrissa said he pounded on the door again and then just walked in, said something and left. - While we were oblivious to this fact, we then finally found him on a porch up the road (as opposed to down the road where we watched him walk)  Kamron called out to him, "Hey"  no response.  "Hey" no response.  It looked like he had fallen asleep just sitting there... Finally Kamron tried, "Playa!" and what do you know, the kid suddenly looked left and right and made a bee-line for our car.  
Kamron asked if he needed a ride - he said "No playa, I live over there somewhere. I just needed a breath playa" (What?!)
So we came back home and locked our doors... I was worried about him freezing to death and I kept saying, "he's somebody's kid" - so we went to find him again so I could call the police to get him safely somewhere - but we couldn't find him.... crazy night.

Turns out (from describing him to my kids, and looking in Morrissa's yearbook) this kid is only in 9th grade - so 14 years old.  What?!?  I really wish I would've called the police.  I hate to get him in trouble, but he obviously needs help.  Plus I worried all day long that he was frozen somewhere.  Hmm.  guess I don't think so well in the middle of the night when crazies come pounding on my door...

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