Friday, December 2, 2011

Tate builds

I should have posted this a few weeks back... but it had been suggested to Kamron that to better the bond between he and Tate, they should spend time building something together...  Kamron told Tate to think up something to build...
Tate came home excitedly the next day - "Mom, I figured out what me and Kamron can build!!"
"A statue of me and Kamron!"

So hilariously cute!!  I explained the difficulties in building a statue out of wood... he then came up with a different idea.  A bench for the man cave.

Tyson recently purchased an Xbox from a friend, and the boys (Tyson, Tate and Kamron) have turned a part of the basement into somewhat of a man cave.

So, the two of them built the bench and I topped it off with padding and fabric...

Tate loves it. And it is put to use constantly!!

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