Monday, December 5, 2011

Shock of Her Life

I cannot believe I never blogged this before!! Last month I was sitting in my office, I heard a huge bang, the power went out, then there was an odd commotion in the hall.

Oaks learned the hard way that this:
and this:
Don't go together.
It shocked her enough to numb her arm, burn the clippie (I don't know if you can tell in the picture- it's even melted a little) and shoot her a foot or two from the wall.  She was in shock for a minute and then started to cry.  She cried cuz her fingers hurt - but there was no visible burns or anything.  We got lucky.

I will now add, Kamron has been through this before - when Morrissa was little she stuck a watch in the socket... Happy to report, she's still alive and well.

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