Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why Didn't I do it sooner?!?!

So, I recently made the executive decision to put Jersi in a different room. She's been sleeping in my room every night and is up all night long.  I'm not quite certain what brought my decision about but I set up her crib in my scrapbook room and put her in it for her night time sleeping. 
Why didn't I do this sooner?  She fell asleep after less than a mionute of crying (Compared to her consistent crying until someone picked her up in my room) and she only woke up at 3:00 to eat.  What?!?!  I gave it a few nights to see if this was a true change or just a fluke.  Definitely not a fluke! She falls asleep without any crying now - AND she sleeps straight through most nights without waking for a bottle! I'm loving it!  Plus, I love that she very quickly figured out how to do this:
So cute!

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