Saturday, April 30, 2011

Graduation Ceremony...

Happy Graduation to me!!!

Technically I am not finished until August - but I was allowed to participate in the Graduation Ceremonies. It was fabulously excellent!  I sat with my friends Christina and Christy.  We had a blast! 
I was dared to wear hot pink tights with my grad gown, so I did!
(This picture isn't so fabulous - it was taken while we were sitting through the ceremony)

We took all kinds of fun pictures throughout the ceremony and had far too much fun.

When it was time to "walk" - each person would walk across shake the Dean's hand and smile for a photo.  I was "double-dog-dared" by Christy to pose for the camera. So I did. 
All in all, a great day! (Now to finish up my classes in the summer. Blah.) (Then off to grad school in the Fall)

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