Friday, April 8, 2011

Tater French

Tate just turned 9!

A few things of note for this Best Buddy of mine (not to be confused with "Little Buddy" (Dayton) and "Bestest buddy" (Samantha)...):

*He's loving the 4th grade. 
*He is a big time reader. Currently reading The 'How To Train Your Dragon' series.
*He loves scouts - and recently earned his Wolf.
*He has just recently taken up yo-yo-ing and he knows all the tricks (sleeping, the apple, the ufo, walking the dog...) He's pretty good at them.
*He's such a tender heart (When he wants to be) - Morrissa was trying to find ways to earn money to go to   Lagoon with her school. he piped up and offered to mow ll the lawns in the neighborhood and give her all the money for it. (What a good boy.  He never had to follow through on this as I was concerned his mowing skills may lead to catastrophe)

I love my Mister Tate!
Happy birthday buddy!!

PS - He got a new bike for his birthday and cannot wait to ride it to school!

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