Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sharli - don't read this post

So...the girl at the pet store knows I seem to have a rabbit problem (I am not admitting or denying this allegation) - When I went there for alfalfa for my rabbits last week, I was looking at the new rabbits.  I commented to her something like "Good thing these rabbits are more expensive than the last ones, then I can't buy them!"  Her response: "Well, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I have a little runt in the back for $10"  "What?!" "Come back here, I'll show you"  Oh my goodness! She was too cute to resist! As tiny as the palm of my hand - not my whole hand, just the palm!  
Meet Cocoa:

This is bunny number 5 and I swear it's the last one!  ... ... ... 4 or 5 days later I was just looking at rabbits on KSL and happened to come across some cute little gray ones nearby for only $5.00. The following conversation ensued...
Me: Morrissa look how cute this rabbit is!
Morrissa: Oh it's so cute! We should go get it!
My: Um, no I don't need any more rabbits.
Morrissa: But you can't only have 5, that's an odd number. 6 would be better cuz its an even number!
Me: Morrissa! Quit supporting my addiction
Then Kamron pipes up from behind us: Just go get it! You know you want it!

He didn't have to tell me twice. We hopped in the car and came home with rabbit #6:

Her colors look darkish here but she's a real dusty gray... I love the color!

It was Dayton's turn to name the rabbit (Cuz Oaklee got to name Sprinkles and Dayotn had mentioned that this was "No fair") So I let him name it.  What perfect name did he choose? Buzz Lightyear of course! I mentioned to him that this rabbit is a girl and Buzz Lightyear is a boy and he said "Princess Buzz Lightyear then!"  Ha!
SO there you have it, we know have 6 rabbits.  And let it be known that when I returned home with this last one, Kamron was sure that I'd be coming home with two more instead of just one... I think he secretly likes these rabbits as much as me and the kids do!

1 comment:

Sharli said...

You're disgusting. Check into rehab.