Sunday, June 12, 2011

She Speaks

So I mentioned before that Jersi is a mimicker, but it is beyond that now! She speaks!

Ever since she was little(r) whenever her daddy rocked her to sleep he'd put her head on his shoulder and pat her back all while saying"There there there.   There there there" Over and over.  a last week I was rocking her, patting her back and without even saying a word she said, "Der der der" I about died! I couldn't believe it. And then she did it again.  Everytime I'd pat her back she'd say it. Kamron kept repeating it back to her to get her to say it more and she did not disappoint.  Wow she's cute.  The next day I was calling down the stairs for Tate and she immediately followed suit, "Tate"  She pronounced it perfectly.  When I was done talking to him and he left the room she immediately called for him again, "Tate". He came back and she squealed.  He'd leave, she'd call him back over and over. Fun game (especially for Tate, He loved it).
Later that day She was on the floor with Tyson and she started patting his leg "Tys" She said it multiple times and seemed to know exactly what she was saying.
Now to add to that, she also points at things and says "Tiss" (this)
When she's not doing her "there there there" while rocking, she's patting me and singing some song.
If your say "Roar" (like you're making a growly monster or bear noise) She'll 'roar' right back at you! It's so funny! She gets all growly and everything.

It's interesting to me because I can rarely get her to wave, or give kisses or any other tricks that my other kids could always do but she talks. I love it!

And for the record, she has a total 'cheeser' face that I LOVE. Here is a semi-good sample of it:

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