Saturday, December 22, 2012

Knitting Gone Wrong

So I have taken on a new adventure.  The adventure of knitting.  Christy taught me how to knit - and set me making myself a hat.  It took many practice attempts... at one pont my hat had so many mistakes I could no longer ignore them in an attempt to pretend they weren't there.  We took it all apart so I could start over - but before doing that I modeled a few ways the partially done hat could have been used...

A headband
A scarf/turtleneck of sorts
 A bracelet
A um...bra? A super skimpy one...
 An eye mask...the holes I accidentally made were great eye holes
 A frame!

Ya seriously, Christy and I sometimes get so hilarious we can no longer hold it in!

Anywho...  Stay tuned for the finished product


Tawni Williams said...

ha ha - I love projects like that - nice ideas for the mistakes ha ha will be cool to see the finished product

Sharli said...

I feel awkward about your bra.