Sunday, May 15, 2011

100 Goals

I had to do a list for my Positive Psych school of 100 goals that I have for myself.  It was hard at first to come up with more than ten or so... but somehow I magically got over 100... Bare with me here...

1. Get my degree   2. Get into Grad School   3. Graduate Grad School    4. Get my MFT license   5. Open a Private Practice   6. Spend More Quality time with my kids   7. Take a Family Vacation   8. Instigate a “game night”   9. Travel to Ireland   10. Sing the National Anthem at a sporting event   11. Take a hot air balloon ride   12. Pay off debts   13. Create a realistic budget and stick to it   14. Fix my credit   15. Get a pet rabbit   16. Sell Craft Items at boutique or online   17. Replace bedroom carpet   18. Make a weekly meal plan   19. Discover new exciting and easy recipes   20. Take Kamron to an NFL game   21. Take Kamron to MLB game   22. Get Tate in Martial Arts   23. Take a Martial arts class   24. Learn to swim   25. Learn sign language   26. Get a 4.0    27. Go white water rafting   28. Ride a horse   29. Buy a 4-wheeler   30. Buy a boat   31. Build a bigger house   32. Organize my scrapbook room   33. Organize the Little’s room   34. Go through all kids clothing get rid of at least half of them   35. Write “I love you because” list for Kamron   36. Schedule out my semester of homework, etc.   37. Make ‘I love you’ plaques for each kid   38. Organize bookshelf   39. Update list of books I’ve read   40. Update Blog   41. Travel to Australia   42. Take a cruise with just me and Kamron   43. Take the whole family on a Disney Cruise   44. Sing Karaoke   45. Make a wedding DVD   46. Name a star   47. Go ice fishing   48. Establish a daily routine   49. Repaint the shoe bench   50. Paint blue wall in bedroom   51. Finish the family room and kitchen paint   52. Paint my office   53. Paint Morrissa’s room   54. Paint the Little’ s room   55. Get a tanning pass   56. Play Water Balloon Trampoline with kids   57. Hook up the bubble machine for the kids   58. Fix my insecurity issues    59. Get Laser hair Removal    60. Inspire self confidence in my children   61. Clean my walls   62. Get workforce paperwork completed   63. Get Tate and Kyndi to the Dentist   64. Get stair and hallway carpet replaced   65. Make tutu sets   66. Make Halloween costumes    67. Landscape my yard    68. See Wicked on Broadway    69. Take kids to a Broadway show    70. Plant a Garden    71. Go to a batting cage     72. Travel to Alaska   73. Make personalized shirts for the kids   74. Travel to Tahiti    75. Take a tap dancing class    76. Be more patient    77. Go on an African Safari    78. Go para-gliding   79. Be less jealous   80. Keep a daily log of simple things to be happy about    81. Visit every state in the country   82. Run into the wall at platform 9 ¾     83. Learn to Salsa dance    84. Go rock Climbing   85. Volunteer in a relief effort    86. Get better at photography    87. Keep bedroom clean for two weeks straight   88. Overcome weevil phobia   89. Trust that I am exactly where I am meant to be   90. Learn to write left-handed   91. Improve my bowling skills   92. Let loose more – worry less   93. Find fun and inexpensive things to do with my kids   94. Finish/update all scrapbooks   95. Hike to the top of Timpanogas again   96. Take the kids to Timp Cave   97. Be more spontaneous   98. Make a book of quotes   99. Print blog into books   100. Do 1 random act of service daily for Kamron   101 Participate in an angel tree   102 Do “couch to 5K”   103 Organize laundry room   104 Have a weekly ‘to do list’ and do it   105 Weekly date-night   106 Write a children’s story    107 lose 10 pounds   108 Become a foster parent   109 Learn to type correctly   110 Ask my kids their “3 good things” nightly.   111. Visit the Taj Mahal   112. Visit the Eiffel Tower   113. Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa  

Ta-duh!!  I actually have more to add but can't find that other list right now... Plus I'll probably continue to add to this list as I come up with more...

1 comment:

Ara said...

If you figure out how to be less jealous, will you let me know? I need help in that area as well.