Friday, April 20, 2012


Eeens = Jersi speak for Earrings.

Jersi now has earrings.  I took her to the mall on a spur of the moment decision.  They did one ear a t a time.  I was prepared for super screaming. It never happened.  They did the first ear and she didn't even flinch.  Then the second ear, the same thing! After a couple seconds she got a really sad lip and made a quick whimpering sound and that is it!! I couldn't believe it!  And she is gorgeous with earrings!!

Side note: since that day she has pulled her earrings out two different times and then we can never find them. So she had her own, then she was using Oaklee's originals, and now Kyndi's.  Somewhere in our house there are 4 earrings and 3 backs hanging around.  Hopefully we find them before one of our feet does!!

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