Oaklee (Kolee Bean or Tainese) is 21 months (tomorrow). She is one solid chunk of a kid and the biggest ham out of all of us. If she thinks it'll get a laugh, she'll do it, and if you do in fact laugh she'll continue to repeat herself until you stop laughing. She's a bully too. But just to Kyndi. She'll shove Kyndi right on her butt to get to whatever it is that she wants. Oaklee is currently 31 inches tall and about 26 Lbs. Her hair finally started to grow in about 3 months ago. (She used to be a baldy) Kyndi is her very best friend, she follows her every where she goes. Oaklee sings to every song. She "helps" mom with laundry and cooking dinner. The other day she actually cleaned her room all by herself. She shoved everything into Dayton's toy drawer! She loves all things "treat" and hates onions and mushrooms.

Here's a bit more on Oaklee and the cute things she does...
*She tries to jump by stomping one foot on the ground.
*When she runs one arm is stiff to her side and the other one swings wildly back and forth.
*When tired she always pulls or holds her ears. That’s how we know she’s tired.
*If Dayton burps (or anyone else for that matter) she quickly says “Ew”
*If she’s cold she says “Brr”
*When tired she always pulls or holds her ears. That’s how we know she’s tired.
*If Dayton burps (or anyone else for that matter) she quickly says “Ew”
*If she’s cold she says “Brr”
*She thinks "no" means look at me and keep doing it. (Okay, this one isn't so "cute" but I had to
add it to the list anyways. )
*She calls Kyndi ‘Dinndy” and calls Dayton “Dill Due” cuz Kamron calls him “little dude” she
*She calls Kyndi ‘Dinndy” and calls Dayton “Dill Due” cuz Kamron calls him “little dude” she
doesn’t acknowledge any of the other kids names…
*She LOVES to dance. Put on any music and she'll dance her heart out.
*She talks on her phone as if having an actual conversation
*She's constantly begging food off people - the minute she's out of her high chair she heads
straight over to Kyndi's seat to steal her food. She also has excellent hearing when it comes
to wrapper opening. If you're trying to sneak a treat, you can open it as quietly as possible,
she'll drop everything she's doing and run to you cuz she knows you have food!
*She loves all things Mickey Mouse (She calls him "mouse")
*And she loves all things baby. Her baby has to go everywhere we do.
*Kyndi is her best friend*She is terrified of noises... the vaccuum, the hair clippers, the blender, they all cause her to
scream and cry and run away. She absolutely hates them!!
*She loves baths! Anytime the girls are gonna take a bath she throws a fit if she finds out she's
not included!! And once inside she'll stick her whole head underwater with no thoughts of
drowning. (She's crazy-scary sometimes)
I'm sure there are hundreds of other things to add. But for now she is screaming at me to get her a "dee" (drink) (Like mentioned in a previous post, she is the Queen of Hearts around here. All ways are Her ways, and nobody better think otherwise!)

This is how she was "helping" me cook one night...

This is my favorite face she used to pull... I love it!!