Monday, January 5, 2009

Oldies but Goodies

The previous story got me thinking back to when I was little and lived in Bountiful… We lived in a nice little red brick house on the corner of a very busy street. And not very far away (about a block) there was an old folks home. Not just any old folks home, this was one with a bunch of crazies living inside and a major lack of good security. Those oldies escaped all the time. I remember many instances of old people running past our house and nurses running close behind. I remember one old lady showing up at our front door asking to go to Salt Lake City (This was a very popular destination choice for the old folks) My mom told her she’d take her to Salt Lake. She strapped her in the minivan, drove around the block and pulled into the nursing home parking lot.
I remember another time when Jonathan was out shoveling the snow in the driveway and suddenly he came running into the house freaking out. He quickly told us all that there was an old man coming down the driveway and it scared him so he dropped the shovel and ran. Within seconds there was a banging on our back door. It was the old man hitting the door with the shovel that was left behind.
Wow old people can sure be a trip! I am so going to be one of the crazies when I grow up!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I remember them coming to our house too! I always wonder why they didn't have better security. We had to walk them back alot :)