Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mouse in the House

So I awoke a couple nights ago from some crazy dream about kids that were in my 4th grade class, and now they were married and trying to sell me cookies… but as odd as that dream may be, that is beside the point… When I awoke I heard a ‘scratch scratch scratch’. What on earth? And then again, ‘Scratch Scratch Scratch’ Is that a blasted mouse in my room? The longer I laid there the more I realized it was in fact a mouse I was hearing – and not only that, I also realized that Kamron had eaten Carl’s Jr that night and left the paper sack on my side of the bed on the floor, and that was most definitely what I was hearing the mouse scratching at. I’m thinking to myself “That brat left food in that bag and now the mouse is trying to get at it!” “Grrrr” In the darkness of my room I grabbed my cell phone as a source of light and looked down at the floor… the bag was nowhere to be found! “That blasted mouse dragged that bag under my bed and now it’s gonna torture me the rest of the night!!” Wanting so baldy to rid my room of that disgusting mouse and yet not really wanting a face to face encounter with said mouse, I started kicking at the side of my bed trying to scare him away. No such luck. I started picking things up off my night stand and throwing them at the general direction of under the bed… still no luck – the ‘Scratch Scratch Scratch’ continued!! I was so tired! It was 3 AM by now after all! I tried to just put a pillow over my head so as not to hear the blasted critter so maybe I could get back to sleep… didn’t work. Come on you stupid mouse! You are disgusting and absurd and you do not belong in my house – especially in my bedroom!!! Finally after roughly 2 hours of mouse-infested lack of sleep, I drifted back into slumber. When I woke up to my alarm Sunday morning what did I hear? ‘Scratch Scratch Scratch’ – Turns out that blasted mouse was nothing but my curtain blowing in the breeze against my school notebook. And the sack? It was still there under a blanket that had fallen from my bed. What a night!

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