Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Time With Sharli

Last weekend I took my girls and Dayton up to Bountiful to my cousin’s baby shower. It was a good time. Afterwards I hung out with my sister Sharli for a wee bit (Who is abandoning me and moving to Spain for 6 weeks btw…) We had a delightful time – but my favorite moment with her came at the end of the day, Sharli was sitting in the back seat with my kidlets and Oaklee suddenly started crying and holding her tongue. Sharli says “Oaklee, what’s wrong? Did you bite your tongue? Are you okay?...” This continued for a brief moment, we were approaching my mom’s house, and sharli got up close to try to investigate the reason for her tears when suddenly Oaklee projectiled across the vehicle at her. She puked everywhere – and I can honestly say I have never seen Sharli move so fast in her life! Hilarious! Fortunate for Sharli it only got a few spots on her pants and shoes. Oaklee however was covered head to toe and so was her carseat and the seat in front of her and the seat next to her… poor girl. I took her in my mom’s house and got her all cleaned up – we stole some of Samantha’s clothes to put her in, and found an old pot in the basement to use as a puke-pot for the drive home. Oaklee was thrilled with the puke pot. She wanted it on her lap the whole hour-long drive home. Fortunately for her and her car-sick little tummy, she fell asleep before she had a chance to use the pot.

1 comment:

Ara said...

Oh wow!!! Yeah, you would've seen me move mighty fast too!