Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Very Own Breakfast

Quite often on the weekends when Kamron is gone, I am delightfully surprised with breakfast in bed...Now, let me take the honest approach here for a moment and explain - these breakfasts are usually "created" by Kyndi and many times include soggy cereal, toast with an inch of unmelted butter and warm milk - BUT it's the thought that counts and it is stinkin cute of her!
Yesterday morning the infamous Kyndi and her breakfast arrived in my room.  She was thrilled to be bringing it to me - she set the cookie tray on my stool and went on her merry little way.  I geared myself up for the soggy-warm-milked cereal, and found this instead:

So cute right??  I love that girl!!

End Note: Please let it be known, I love every single breakfast I get from her, I'm not trying to be ingrateful by any means. I was merely just explaining the details of my previous breakfasts...

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