Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Seriously, where does he get this stuff?

 Me: Dayton if you do that one more time you'll hafta go to your room.

Dayton: Awkward!
He was looking all over for his other shoe... he found it, came running in my room and shouted, while holding it up for me to see... : "Boo-yah!"

Me: What am I gonna be for Halloween?

Dayton: Probly a turd face, and my daddy's gonna be... ... old! Yeah!

 The other day Oaklee said: Mom, the mailman hasn't came yet

Dayton: That's a-cuz him ate a snack at ours house the other morning so hims mom got angry and made him grounded. So he can't come to ours house anymore.
(Seriously, how does he make this stuff up so fast?!)

Dayton: Mom can we go play through sprinklers today?
Me: No! It's freezing out there silly!
Dayton: No, I love freezingness so I would love to play in the sprinklers!

A conversation I had with Tate:
Tate: Mom, know why I have such good hearing?
Mom: Why?
Tate: Cuz when I clean the earwax outta my ears, then BAM! I can hear perfectly!

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