Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dayton, Tona, Brutus, Muffin man, Little Dude, Talmage


Love this kid!!  He has the best sense of humor - the funniest faces - orneriest attitude - and best "I love you more than..." statements!

He is the king of one-liners "Oh my, is that the most ridikolus thing ever, or what?"  "Mom, that outfit is not a good one for me to like"

His funny faces:

He can get super grouchy at the slightest things... or super shy depending on the moment....

And his "I love you more than..." comments are my favorite: "I love you more than all the grasshoppers" "I love you more that most of the doors" "I love you more than all the world"

He is slightly bummed that Oaklee gets to go to kindergarten this year and not him - in his eyes they are twins, so why can't he go too?

He calls hamburgers "ungabuggahs".  Instead of "with" he says "siff". His favorite color is orange.  He loves Spiderman and Woody & Buzz.  He wants to be a "real Spiderman" when he grows up s he can really shoot webs out of his hands.

Love him Love him Love him!!
He's gone from this:
To this:

With a little bit of this in between:

Pictures from his little family party...

Oh! And he got money from Kamron's friend and told everyone, "I got a million dollars!" (Which he promptly spent on a new toy)

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