Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monsters In Our Midst

The time was near 10 pm, children were all sleeping snuggly in bed, I’m just winding down , heading to bed after a long day, and then I hear it. THUMP THUMP THUMP as the THUMP continues I hear the terrified voice of Oaklee “Month-ter!” (Monster). I leap from my bed and run out to find that the “Month-ter” is in fact an off balance washing machine spinning out of control. Oakee in her frightened state ran to her bedroom door and slammed it shut. Somehow everyone else slept through the Monster roar.

Skip ahead 4 days or so, I’m lying in bed watching tv near midnight when I hear a thunderous thump. It shook the house. I set out on an investigation and found the thump was Morrissa falling from her bunk bed to the floor. She was a heaping mass on the floor and somehow miraculously still asleep. How does one fall from so high and still maintain a sleeping function?? I woke her up so she could get back in bed - that conversation went something like this: “Morrissa you need to climb back in bed” “What? Why?” “You fell out of your bed” “No I didn’t I got down here all by myself” “Moe, you fell so hard the house shook.” “Whatever”. And while still in this half slumbered state she could not for the life of her figure out how to get back in bed. Hilarious!! The best part is, the next morning she told all the kids she had a dream last night that she fell out of bed!!

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