Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Daytona 300

Dayton - Dartanyan - Little Dude - Brutus - Muffin Man - Tona - Buddy - (jingleheimer smith) turned 3!
Yes, I realize the Terrible horrible No Good Very Bad Day post took precedence over this birthday post for Dayton - but you must understand, I was in no mood for such cheerfulness since the cars up and died on me...

Anywho - onto Tona...  He's just the cutest little dude you've ever seen! He has the craziest attitude/personality, it's hard to even explain.  He is completely hilarious!

Some of his common phrases (said in hilarious voices with various facial expressions...)

"What you talkin Willis?"
"Crazy like a chick-in!"

 He's getting better and better at catching a ball - His throwing is pretty much already perfected - he has pretty good aim, and a rocket arm!

I don't think this little dude is afraid of anything. He pretty much thinks he's invincible (like his dad)
In Fact - he is the spitting image of his dad.  He walks exactly like his dad, he's built just like his dad, he has an attitude just like his dad, and the list goes on and on...

He has an old man face that he often looks at us with...

He very oftenly juts his chin out like a major underbite just to be funny. (And boy is it) He pretty much looks like an old man when he does it.

Let it be known - he was potty-trained, of his own doing before he turned three.  A story for your amusement.. a couple days ago he went into my bathroom and shut the door... after a few minutes I called out to him, "Dayton, you ok?" "Ya I goin potty!" I went about my business, and it wasn't until twenty minutes later or so I went to take some stuff into the bathroom and found that he had locked the door on his way out and left the light on. My hands were full as a struggled to find a penny to unlock the door... Imagine my surprise (and giggles) when I opened the door to this:

Other picutres of Mr Muffin Man...

 (This one is a partial old man face...)

I love that Brutus!

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