Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Details of the Bunny Hotel

I forgot I took these pictures of my bunny-mansion in progress... 

 The second level...
 The ramp to the second level...
We put the rabbits in to see how they liked it... Peanut found a corner where no one could get to her - so I climbed inside... still couldn't reach her...
 Tried enticing her with grass... nope
 But she's pretty stinkin cute isn't she??

Tyson and I helped Kam build it. - I used power tools - a table saw, and a nail gun, can you believe it? Kamron was pretty surprised himself...

We actually had a text conversation prior to ever building this hutch. We were discussing building my bunny-dream-house... After texting him a picture of a lovely rabbit house, the conversation went a little like this...

Me: Will you build this for me?
Him: You really want that don't you?
Me: Ya, maybe I'll build it myself
Him: I like to see that!
Me: Or we could work on it together?
Him: Okay you start!
Me: Okay Dork!

So see, me using power tools wasn't even feasible in his mind. Proved him wrong!

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