Friday, July 1, 2011


I am attempting to make Tuesdays an activity day at my house - this past Tuesday we painted picture frames. I got each child a wooden picture frame to use for a wedding picture of their choice. I got all sorts of paints and decorating supplies and set them to it at the table...

 Jersi made her own messes - I gave her a brownie to entertainher whilst the painting was being done.

 Dayton and Oaklee's:
 Morrissa and Tyson's:
 Jersi and Mine:  (Jersi may or may not have had a little help from her mom)
 Tate and Kyndi's:
I think they turned out cute!  Dayton's was so gosh darn cute - but then he just kept adding more and more paint - it's still cute though.

Sidenote: Tate got a little "splatter paint happy" bright blue paint was somehow splattered on the door, the walls, the floor, and Oaklee and Dayton's faces. A wee bit crazy.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I'm impressed with Tyson and Morrisa's