Monday, July 25, 2011


The week of the 24th of July here in Spanish Fork is "Fiesta Days".  With said "Days" comes parades, a carnival, rodeos and fireworks. 
Kamron and I took great advantage of the festivities... we took the kids to a parade where they enjoyed getting chasing after candy in the street.  (and as you can see, and I am now learning - sticky fingers had touched the camera lense)

 We walked down to the carnival one evening to enjoy a car show and a concert-type thingy in the street - while there we also enjoyed spying on Tyson with a girl (*gasp*). 
One of the nights we were fortunate enough to get two free tickets to the rodeo from one of Kamron's work buddies.  I hadn't been to a rodeo since I was a kid I think.  Very enjoyable!

To top the whole week off - we went to fireworks on the 24th - only to be rained on in a crazy hour long downpour. (Yes, we're crazy enough to stay through all of that... no worries, we found somewhere for all the kids to sit where they were sheltered from the rain) The rain stopped by 9:30ish - but fireworks were delayed until almost 11!! I love fireworks, but with the wet coldness we were all enduring and the masses of mosquitos and whiney children, even I was ready to leave before they started!  We stayed and those of us still awake enjoyed the fireworks.  It was a good time.

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