Monday, May 14, 2012

Fantastic Day

My Mother's Day in a nutshell: 

Breakfast in bed (Thank you Tyson)

He knows that Peanut butter and raspberry jam all melty on a toasted bagel is my favorite!!

Lunch made and served to me (Thank you Kyndi)

Cut out in a candy-cane shape no less (and using the end pieces of bread that no one will eat - cute girl)
Plus this cute note to go with it:
(Made with love.  Kyndi)

Received numerous wonderful gifts from kids (all hand picked by each child at the Dollar Store) LOVE it!!
Card from Tyson:

 Figurine from Dayton (of himself and Aspen)
 Cup with straw from Oaklee (for my work)
 Picture frame from Tate
 And a mustache from Tate (apparently he was trying to get me a bracelet out of the vending machine) (and it i a completely hideous picture of ignore that part...focus on the mustache)

Picture frame from Morrissa
 Puppy figurine from Kyndi (its Berklie of course)
(Jersi was sleeping when they went shopping)

Daisies (My favorite flower) & a card from Kamron

Numerous notes and pictures from the kiddos all day long

I think my favorite thing on this one is Oaklee's attempt at writing her own name (right in the middle)
 Oaks drew this picture - it's me, her, berklie and a closed garage door (fantastic combination, right?)
 Dayton's monster (in orange, his favorite color)

Dinner made for me (Thank you Kamron) (Sorry no picture here)

Wiggle car races won and lost (I participated too but have no pictures to support this claim)

Short hike with the puppy (who is only 10 weeks old but is getting so big she hardly looks puppy-ish anymore!)

(Sidenote: the entire car ride she rode on my lap but kept crying in fear. She hates the car!)

A Visit with my BP (best peep) and her kids (Stealing her grass) (Okay so she had us dig all the grass outta her flowerbed and Kamron is apparently a hoarder of grass (just kiddin) He decided we needed it in our yard - so he dug is all out sod-style) (Again, no pics here)
Kamron and Tyson planted the grass.
I made sure my kidlets were all tucked in.

Fantastic day!
Happy Mother's Day!!

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