Monday, May 21, 2012

My Favorite Gus

Seeing how I spent Mother's Day with my own kids, I ventured up to my mom's this weekend and was fortunate to encounter Sharli and Atticus while we were at it!  Score!
Poor little guy was having tummy troubles and was not a happy camper.  I calmed him down and got to hold him while he slept for about an hour.

(Oh my goodness! Just look at how teeny tiny he is!!)
His mommy got a good nap in too...

When he woke up Jersi couldn't get enough of him! (And even a little before he actually woke up...)

Oaklee loved on him too

 Isn't he the cutest little Gus you ever saw?
 (pictured below with grandma)

While we were there Sam colored with sidewalk chalk with the Littles
This is Oak's picture she drew of Tangled (Repunzle) (Note that the hair goes clear past the feet)
And then of course Jersi needed her picture laying on the cement too...
And this is what I gave my mom for mother's day... (Got the idea at my local boutique) (Dang it - this is the only picture I have and it is not a good one at all!) It's a framed window with vinyl pink and purple flowers...


Kevin and Jess said...

What a beautiful little baby boy! Makes me so excited. I love seeing your littles hold cute!

Jonan said...

Please go back & explain that the Gramma's hair looks so weird because she is wearing her Mickey Mouse headband made by Kyndi!!