Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Anyone out there ever feel like they are failing their children? Or that they are completely inadequate as a mom? I am struggling big time with such feelings lately. My life is complete chaos. I have 6 kids whom I completely love and adore, a part time job that occupies 5 nights a week and full time school (17 credits this semester) that occupies my day time (online classes) as well as my other two nights a week for class. As I sit here typing there are loads of laundry to be done, a kitchen that needs cleaned, homework I ought to be attending to and two beautiful little girls begging for play time with me. I can't keep up. Logically one would think that I need to put school on a back burner - but realistically, the sooner I am done with school the sooner I can get out of my dead end job and be able to afford life better, and hopefully in turn have more time with my kids... In the long run, the chaos we are enduring now will be best for everyone, but what about now? My kids are growing up with out me, I'm missing out on who they are now. That right there is what brings me here today...
I'm not typing this for people to feel sorry for me, I am typing away hoping that somebody out there has a few (or many) ideas on how to better organize my day so that I can accomplish the necessities, and still spend time with my kids. Its weird, its like I have so much to do, I can't even get a single thing accomplished because I'm too busy worrying over everything else... so I jump from one thing to another without finishing anything. AHHHHHHHH!! The chaos has got to end. Who has suggestions??

1 comment:

Kris said...

Read the June Ensign....very intersting that you commented on what you were thinking....there is an article that answers all the questions you were thinking....enjoy!